When I went to the store I saw that Del Monte makes one called Very Cherry. Perfect right? At lunch time Fiona asked if she could have some so I opened up the can and dumped it in to a Tupperware since I didn't expect Fiona to eat it all at once. I immediately noticed something a little off. Guess how many cherries were in the can of Very Cherry?
0, zip, zero, nada, none, not a single cherry.
Update: I got a very nice apology email and they are mailing me some coupons. This was pretty much the best I was expecting but lets face it customer service being what it is these days I think I can be excused for thinking I might be brushed off or ignored entirely. I bet the coupons will be for a bunch of stuff we don't use but maybe I'll use them to get stuff for a caned food drive or something.
I see the label reads: No Sugar Added
Perhaps they had intended to use the "No Cherries Added" label?
I should have read the fine print that said, "no cherries were picked in the making of this product."
You should send a picture of your very dissapointed child with this complaint!
It wouldn't let me attach a picture to my complaint so I settled for saying they made a three year old cry. She didn't actually but I see nothing wrong with a bit of dramatic licence.
I still cannot believe they had the nerve to market this as cherry filled and sell it with NO cherries.
I was going to say something smartassy like perhaps that particular can got lucky and lost its... well, anyway, I won't because Monkey is watching and I don't want her learning all my bad habits.
She taught me a few, though.
Like that thing they do where they stick their leg straight up in the air when they take a bath?....Oh wait that's a disturbing image.
On a slightly different subject. Patrick swears he opened a SEALED bag of charcoal and there was a live frog inside. He dumped the frog out and he wobbled off. I emailed Kingston and they sent us a coupon for a free bag.
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