Friday, May 22, 2009

This One Was My Fault

A couple weekends ago we watched a movie where there was a scene in which one character was making fun of another character for shopping for adult toys on Amazon. I said,"Pfft! They don't sell those on Amazon!" But of coarse the next time I was on the computer I had to check. Turns out yes they do sell those on Amazon. Unfortunately I can now never pull up Amazon at work again because they recommend things I could get fired for looking at.


LeeAnn said...

But remember, batteries are sold seperately. Er, so I've been told.

Roses said...

Dani, if you don't stay sitting down I'm not going to LET you shop for adult toys on Amazon.

schelle said...

I just realized I know which movie you're talking about!

good movie

Dani said...

I know I know