Saturday, June 6, 2009

You Gotta Try This

I heard years ago that to avoid crying when you cut onions you should chew mint gum. I haven't had a good opportunity to try it out. I don't use onions often and the few time I have I didn't have an gum until...

Tonight I was making risotto and had to chop up a shallot and an onion. By the time I finished the shallot my eyes were burning and starting to watter and I remembered, I HAVE GUM IN MY PURSE! So I went and got a piece and my eyes felt better immediately. I had no reaction at all to the onion. I have no idea why it works but it does.

I'm not saying you should run out and buy some Trident and an onion but next time you are buying an onion grab a pack of gum too.


TK said...

Wow, I have NEVER heard such a thing. What a great idea. I will definitly try it. Hey, have you had problems with your blog today?? My entries keep disappearing and I have to republish

Dani said...

I haven't had a problem today but I've had that same problem in the past.Blogger is great but you get what you pay for.

TK said...

Thanks for advice about the blogger. I just saw your quote, that is so true. No book can prepare you for motherhood.