Tuesday, December 21, 2010

You may be a princess or the richest woman in the world, but you cannot be more than a lady.-Jennie Churchill

Dear Little Miss Puddinbelly,

Happy third birthday. Sure we celebrated a couple weeks ago at Disneyland and again this weekend but today is your actual birthday. Do you know why this is your birthday? 'Cause you were trying to come out butt first folded like a taco and that was just not happenin'. So the Doctor and I discussed the possible dates for my C-section. Generally they schedule them a week before the due date but that was a Saturday and the following Monday was Christmas eve and the Dr. and I both had other plans for that day so we decided on the Friday. The result is we got to bring you home on Christmas eve. I've always said you were the best Christmas gift I've ever received although if someone would like to try to top it by getting me something really spectacular I'd be happy to accept.

Love ya Baby girl (though you're not much of a baby any more)


adrielleroyale said...

Too adorable! Love it :) My baby wanted to come out feet first only the doc didn't know it till after my water broke...so a C-Section it was! Anyway, what a wonderful thing to do for your baby girl, just think, when she's older, she'll get to read this and know how much you always adored her. :)

Dani said...

Hopefully the sweet stuff like this will help her forgive me for some of the other things I've published lol.

Amy Baldwin said...

Happy Birthday FIONA!! YAYA I can't believe she is 3.. wow. I love the story of the birth, yeah but first taco formation, not ideal. Good decisions on your part and the Dr's!!