Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Disturbing But in A Cute Way

Dave and I both spend a lot of our time singing complete nonsense to our pets and now our daughter. Sometimes it just inserting their names and sometimes it's...well lets call them original compositions.

For example I sometimes sing to Fiona (the tune of Oh Susannah) "Oh Fiona oh don't you cry for me". Or (the tune of Mandy) "Oh Gambit, Your a big yellow dog and you're stinky, but you're such a good dog".

Dave on the other had steps it up a notch and sings opera to them. There's one number he does and I'm sorry I don't know the name of the actual piece that he always claims is the finale to Gambito Triumphant (The Opera about our dog). Because I like to support his crazy behavior just as much as I appreciate him supporting mine I drew him this picture in MS Paint. It's my set design for the final scene to this riveting drama in which our hero Gambit sings his victory song on the bodies of his enemies. Note the hero hat which was inspired by a hat Dave wore for Halloween about ten years ago.


TK said...

You are mucho talented. Actually I kinda thought Miss Fiona says the word "Poo" because she has heard the "Poo" song so often in so many different configurations.

Colleen said...

Love the hat!
I also sing to Bobby made up songs and i like to do it in a falsetto voice...I am also keen on breaking into some Queen when he starts to say mama over and over again...
"Ma-ma, ooh ooh ooh ooh. I didn't mean to make you cry..." you get the idea...