Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Kevin

Don't read this one Mom. You might want to skip it too Milla.

Today should be my brothers 29th birthday but he died when he was only 18. I wasn't sure if I should or even could talk about him here but today it seemed appropriate. He was my best friend and I miss him.
I only have a couple pictures of us together. This was at our cousins wedding. Let's see I think I was 19 so that's make him 15. This one my Mom took when she was going to some kind of reunion and wanted to show us off. I think we were 17 &13.
One time he was getting a glass of watter and he pulled the last glass out of the cupboard but it had bit of stuff stuck to it so he went to get a fresh one out of the dishwasher and he held it up like it was a treasure and said in a ringing voice,"And I have found such a glass and I said unto it you are clean and good". He was crazy that way. I still laugh when I think of that.
When he was little I used to read books to him. I started with Bunnicula and The Celery Stalks at Midnight by Debora Howe. We kept up the habit as we got older reading to each other. We read the whole Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series by Douglas Adams, and The Talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub (he hated reading the part that makes me cry), and we read The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien which cracked us up because if you read it the right way some of the language is very suggestive. 18 years was not long enough. Sometimes I'm very angry with him for not being here and not knowing his Niece or Brother in law. But mostly I just miss him and the way he made me laugh.


Anonymous said...

Damnit! tell him I'm pissed cause Alex and I needed him for the birthday line up...

not making light of your loss and what's kind of scary here is I was thinking about him today (10/19) while I was driving for 7 hours.

it has just been that kind of a day and I'm angry about looseing loved ones....

feel free to not allow this comment...i probably should just not send it.

ok, no more reading blogs at 2am...

<3 to tha Dani!

Millie said...

i couldn't help but read it, but it did make me cry. just to see his face again. i still dont actually feel like i have closure from his passing. i never got to cry with you, or really just talk about it with you. i know that will come one day. he was an awesome and hilarious guy. so many good memories. from the time he came home from the hospital and i thought your mom had put raisins in his belly button, to the last time i saw him at starbuks of all places with his girlfriend. at your wedding i wanted to talk about im more, but i was already crying enough, and knew you and i would just totally loose it. but i wanted to say that even though he was gone i know he was there partying with us and celebrating you, because you were not just his sister, but his best friend too. enough! im crying now. love you. glad you wrote about it.

TK said...

I do not think I have ever seen a picture of Kevin. It is nice and appropriate to remember him in your blog.