Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Family love is messy, clinging, and of an annoying and repetitive pattern, like bad wallpaper.-Friedrich Nietzsche

I don't know if I ate something wrong or if I've just had the worlds worst case of PMS (and there's your daily dose of TMI. You're welcome) but I haven't left the house in two days and awesome as Fiona is there's only so many cute conversations with my two year old I can publish.

Interesting that was all one sentence. I'm not gonna fix it 'cause ya know what? I don't care.

I have nothing much to say today. I just want to lay around and drink tea until Dave gets home then I'm going to lay around and drink wine. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone! And for the handful of international readers happy Thursday that does not involve eating to much (unless it does which is your business).

Perhaps something interesting will happen that I can tell you all about on Friday. Although this year we're not seeing my family so my stories probably won't involve me telling anyone to bite me. Though I make no promises.


Roses said...

"I just want to lay around and drink tea until Dave gets home then I'm going to lay around and drink wine."

It's sentences like this that make me love you.
Feel better soon!

Dani said...

And that's totally what I did too. Much tea and wine were partaken.