This guy completley cured my childhood crush on Peter Pan. Sorry dude you're creepy.

It rained a lot while we were there. One night Fiona wanted to go swiming but there was a monster thunder storm so I suggested a bath instead. Fiona countered with, "Want to swim bath." I figured why not.

Okay not a great picture but I kinda loved my hair that day. My SIL AK wins the best coment contest, "All the Star Wars geeks are gonna love you."
Plese tell me you wore your hair that way in the MGM park by the Star Wars attractions!
Sadly no. I didn't discover this fabu hair style until near the end of our trip. That's okay though being a fangirl my life is filled with Star Wars geeks. I will draw the line at the metal bikini though. No way I'm wearing that thing.
you had a Peter Pan crush? Interesting!! lol
Did you notice how he is waving?? ALL the prince's and men in the parade waved exactly the same way, i found it really odd. With their hand flat and down not like a normal HI wave...
I am sure they tell them to do that I guess cause they are up so high but it looks like they are washing a car.
re: the wave
Perhaps they are imagining patting children on the head.
Or rubbing bald men's scalps.
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