Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard-Winnie the Pooh*

When I was four my Dad took me to the hospital to see my Mom and new baby brother. On the way we stopped so I could pick out a gift for the new baby. I picked a Winnie the Pooh that played music. After he died I found the bear in his room and kept it. 

This morning Daphne spotted it in my closet and tried to claim it for her own. I told her no she couldn't have it but she could play with it. 

A few hours later I looked at a calendar and realized the anniversary of his death was last week. 18 years. He's now been gone as long as he was alive. 

I think maybe I was wrong. She should have the bear. He wouldn't mind. 
*F you auto correct. Don't you dare tell me that's the wrong way to spell Winnie!

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