Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dreams are illustrations... from the book your soul is writing about you.-Marsha Norman

Do you ever have one of those dreams that seems like it would make a great book or movie if only you could figure out the rest of the story and had any writing talent?

Those make me sad because I can never figure out the rest of the story and don't have any writing talent so they just drift away and are lost forever.


Roses said...

This happens to me all the time!

Amy Baldwin said...

No. my last dream I was about to eat a just baked chocolate chip cookie and I woke up. I suppose you could say most of my dreams are nightmares!

Cp said...

I'd have an Oscar by now if I could remember the ending to some of my dreams....

Dani said...

I'm sorry others have experienced this but glad that I'm not alone.

Cp-Oscars for all!