Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to the left.-Jerry M. Wright

Do you ever get reminded of something that happened in the past and suddenly realise how different you are now? I don't mean that in a pity party "oh my life is so different from how I expected" way. No my life is pretty good, no complaints. I just mean sometimes I see who I used to be and miss her like a good friend that moved away.


Roses said...

I get that.

Oblivious Beast said...

I miss her energy. I don't miss her stupidity. That younger me had a few stupid years that make me shudder. My kids should be kissing fate I lived long enough to make them.

Dani said...

nnmlknw-Amen sista!

Amy Baldwin said...

I miss my waist, my thighs and my butt.. oh is that shallow?

Dani said...

Lol maybe but I feel the same way.

You'll feel better when you don't have a second person living inside you any more.