I don't know! I hadn't planed to have a Gambit theme and now I have to come up with another Gambitcentric post and I mean he's a dog he doesn't do that much. But he's a handsome boy so here are some pics. Who doesn't enjoy a good dog pic?

This would be a good pic if we'd moved the hose and the cat's butt wasn't in the lower frame.

This is the best picture I've ever taken. By the way guess what he was running to? His favorite thing ever....Dave.

This was his first camping trip at Lake Folsom. My friend brought her dog too Abby. Abby is a miniature pincher chihuahua mix (surprisingly cute) and she chased him all over the campsite. She thought she was in charge but really Gambit just likes being chased.

Okay well this is more a pic of Vladi but 1 we sometimes call Gambit Mr. Handsomepants and this is the only picture we have of his pants and 2 it perfectly illustrates his relationship with Vladi.
Come to think of it I took all these pictures. Usually Dave is the designated photographer.
Awe, I love the Gambit theme this week. Those are great pics of the boy. I don't think I have ever seen him smile before. Maybe because you are always right there. We all know how he feels about you ;-)
It's true the dog does NOT like me. Unles I'm paying atention to the cat.
Caption for the campground pic:
LOL OMG you're right that should be the title of that pic!
I think your best photo is Gambit on the beach, ready for anything. Thanks for giving that dog such a loving home.
Of COURSE I LOVE seeing these pictures, I especially like the one of him running to Dave, too funny!! You can't stop fools in love...
Of COURSE I LOVE seeing these pictures, I especially like the one of him running to Dave, too funny!! You can't stop fools in love...
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