Friday, October 10, 2008

Some of the Things That Sammy Thinks

I like the little human, she tastes like food when I kiss her.

Oh goodie it's Gambit. I love Gambit.

Mommy's home! Love me, love me, love me. Oooooh something shinny.

I like the little human, she drops food on the floor. Mmmm Cheerios.

I will protect the home from that dastardly UPS man. Woof, woof, bark, bark. What's a baby and why are they screaming that I woke it up?

I like the little human, she drops food. Mmmmm rice puff things.

It's Daddy. Love me, love me, love me.

Some random person is here. Love me, love me, love me. What, you don't want me to put my nose there?

Ooooooh a smelly creek better jump rite in.

I like the little human, she give me food. Mmmmm goldfish.

1 comment:

Amy Baldwin said...

Too funny, I think Cash says some of the same things. More like
Play with me
Feed me
let me take a nap on your lap now...