Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Apollo's first love was elusive Daphne-Ovid's Metamorphoses - Book I

I just realized I really haven't posted almost any pics of Daphne here since she was just a month or so old so here are a few of my favorites.

Here's the day I dressed her as a Ninja. We hadn't combed her hair yet after her bath. When we do comb it and it's still wet she looks like a pudgy balding man with a comb over so that wouldn't really have been better.
Here she is the morning she turned one (Jan 27). Check out her tiny little pink Converse.
Here is cuddling with Mama on a sick day. She LOVES that blanket. Dave gave it to me for Christmas but Daphne pretty much claimed it as her right full property. I usually only get to use it if I'm sharing with her.
Here is meeting Santa. She is not a fan of the big man. And yes that grown up young lady is Fiona.
At the Sacramento train museum
Slightly blurry picture of Cinderella and Anna from Halloween. Daphne only wore the outfit long enough for me to take a few pictures and wound up going to bed before we even had an trick or treaters. Fiona actually wore a completely different costume, I don't remember why she had that outfit on.
My little Pumpkin

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