Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.-James Herriot

Okay okay I know I have been awful about posting (I like to pretend people are worried about this. It makes me feel special).

I have 1000 excuses but really I haven't been very inspired.

Someday I'll get over this writers block. On a side note Dave's cousin Rye used to have a blog called Ryters block, which I though was a pretty darn clever name. The same cousin posted this on Facebook the other day and it made me laugh so I'm sharing.


Oblivious Beast said...

bwahahaha! That last one of the vacuum cleaner is particularly accurate in our house.

Roses said...

I *do* worry.
And you *are* special.


Dani said...

Oblivious Beast: Oh I know! I feel so evil every time I vacum. Vladi runs from one room in to the next one I'm going to vacum, gets all comfy hiding under a bed or whatever and I come in and scare him again so he runs in to the next room I'm heading too.

Roses-Thanks, It's been a crazy couple weeks.

To you both- I just kinda love you guys (and that is NOT the glass of wine I chugged talking)