Thursday, October 21, 2010

Times change. The farmer's daughter now tells jokes about the traveling salesman.-Carey Williams

Dude, why is it every time I'm looking for a job I get inundated with junk mail job offers to become an insurance salesman? I have no sales experience and I'm NOT a people person. I do best in a job where I don't actually interact with customers (just being honest). Also insurance salesmen are going the way of the Dodo. I have no interest in intentionally starting a dead end career.

No seriously I was the receptionist at an insurance office many moons ago. The agent was very nice and not at all like all the insurance agent jokes you hear but lets face it the agent doesn't actually do anything for you.

You want to get a new policy? All they do is enter the info in the computer and send it to the home office.

You want to make a claim? All they do is enter the info in the computer and send it to the home office.

You want to make a change to your policy? All they do is enter the info in the computer and send it to the home office.

You want to deal with a person rather than a web site? You talk to the non people person receptionist who WILL pass on your message but you're not getting a call back, trust me.


Amy Baldwin said...

I do not like customers either, they would NEVER move me to sales in this company, i would be fired so fast!
Even my boss told me in my review.. basically they liked me cause i am mean.. I didn't know how to take that!! hahah

Dani said...

Yah know Amy I think that's part of what I've always liked about you. You're a straight shooter. You can be every bit as blunt as I can. Luckily we haven't knocked heads (much, lol)

Amy Baldwin said...

living on opposite ends of the country, its hard to but heads with someone!!
Honestly I work with 90% men so it serves me well or they will walk all over ya! Plus they don't hold grudges.. maybe you need to find a beer company to work for!

Dani said...

Ha ha maybe I do.