Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.-Charles Dickens

Show of hands, how many people have started Christmas shopping?

I bought my first gift last week. It was from the dollar bin at Target but still....


LeeAnn said...

It still counts. I buy gifts sometimes for people I haven't met yet. I'll see something and go "If I ever meet a person who really likes bacon AND warm socks, this would be perfect!"

Dani said...

Lol Shhh don't tell but I'm getting Dave some bacon bandaids for a stocking stuffer. I didn't buy them yet though.

Roses said...

OMG! You actually related "bacon" to "stockings".

::glances suspiciously between leeann and Dani::

Dani said...

"Like minds run in the same gutter."-My Mom (wise woman in her way)