Monday, July 11, 2011

A lion's work hours are only when he's hungry; once he's satisfied, the predator and prey live peacefully together.-Chuck Jones

While looking for a job on line I found a listing for a "Predator." I didn't think I was qualified, not being a lion or fond of small children (in a bad way) but I was curious so I clicked on the link. Turns out the local TV station needs a pre-editor.

I think they could also use a proof reader who speaks English but that's just me.


Roses said...

That is awesome!

Reading your blog is like finding stories I wrote myself but forgot about.

Dani said...

Awwww that has got to be one of the be one of the best complements I've ever received.

Amy Baldwin said...

You and Dave are so on the Govt's people to watch list...